Kaigen Philosophy

Kaigen in Japanese means, “gateway to origin / source.” Kaigen reminds us that everything we need to navigate the journey of life already resides within us.

Kaigen coaching guides you through a journey of personal transformation and growth that helps you access your true inner potential. Kaigen coaching embraces the Kaigen Mindset developed by Kaulana which is driven by three simple principles that are profoundly powerful: Learn, Heal, and Grow with compassion. Coaching helps you navigate and unlock the potential to learn, heal, and grow in every situation, challenge, and relationship in life. Ultimately, coaching provides insight, guidance, and tools to help you thrive in your personal and professional life.

Kaigen Coaching has helped many individuals in their personal and professional development. Coaching sessions are tailored to the unique situation and needs of each person, work group, or team, and often cover topics such as stress management, strengthening emotional intelligence, communication strategies, relationship health, leadership development, strategic planning, spiritual-emotional health & practices, intention and manifestation techniques. Clients range from CEOs, managers, entrepreneurs to doctors, first-responders, athletes, educators, and students.